
Say never never give up like a fire 浦江两岸万家灯火通明 洋山港上千帆竞发 为兵服务崭新篇章开启 为军情怀温度感情初心不变 一站多点都是战友家园 精细精准就是我的选择 服务战友目标不断实现 老兵站长使命永远在肩 Wu oh oh wu oh oh 我还是从前那个少年 兵心从...

Baby, baby, I feel crazy, up all night, all night and every day 亲爱的 我整夜难眠 昼以继夜 只有不安疲倦 Give me something, oh, but you say nothing 希望你能将我解救 但你却无情拒绝 What is happening to me? 我该如何应对你的冷漠改变 I don't wanna live ...

and u turn to me and say (cuz of u, i'm complete, ur love makes me feel so free i just wanna marry u) u know i love u baby, and i always will u make my dreams all come true...

更多内容请点击:献礼五四青年节,市退役军人服务中心推出《兵心不改仍少年》MV... 推荐文章